in Lucca with la mama
Lucca from the top of the tower
Prato life
a bite to eat on the side of the road
with the world's greatest panna cotta
ye olde tower
tower's straight. everything else is wonky
from the top
Duomo in Firenze
that man.. Davith
the Dinny
the Dom
the Domi
a hayden truck on the road to Poggibonsi

Photo Albums

      A Brief History (35)
      Christmas 2005 (12)
      JMWO (15)
      Jan - Feb 2006 (9)
      In Oz (11)
      Sorrento (15)
      More Oz (14)
      Back in London (6)
      Paris (19)
      June (6)
      JMWO Summer '06 (46)
      Barcelona (23)
      Autumn-Winter (11)
      Christmas 2006 etc (11)
      JMWO Winter 06-07 (54)
      UK Spring (19)
      Holland (20)
      Hayden's Birthday (9)
      Worcester (19)
      Banff (47)
      Spain (15)
      BCN (21)
      Bruce's 60th (7)
      Andorra (13)
      Gira Rumana (37)
      Aus Day '08 (35)
      Carnaval (15)
      Pepe in Melbourne (16)
      Las Fallas (49)
      Lorca (29)
      Andalucia (28)
      Spring Chicken (24)
      Falla of the Shark (13)
      Porno shoot at the beach (11)
      Shepsi (1990-2008) (17)
      Eurotrash (18)
      Barbacoa (20)
Italy: Firenze (22)
      Italy: Angryturismo (39)
      Italy: Return (19)
      Tank & Paula's Wedding (23)
      Costa Brava (20)
      Andorra et al (32)
      Despedida Party (14)
      Banff: Ongoing (15)
      Banff: Lake Moraine (19)
      Banff: October (20)
      Banff: More (41)
      Banff: Halloween (26)
      Banff: November (8)
      Banf: SNOW! (12)
      Banff: Gospel (13)
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