Uptight Poms
2006-03-09 12:25:30
I find it funny that the Brits have deemed the 'bloody' ad far too rude for mainstream audiences, and have banned it from TV here. It's amusing because by banning it, they're actually giving it more attention and as a result the ad has already been downloaded over 30,000 times in Britain.. before its launch.
Tourism Minister (of Australia) Fran Bailey said "How anyone can take offence at a beautiful girl in a bikini on a sunny beach inviting them to visit 'down under' is a mystery to me"
The timing was good... only 2 weeks until I leave.
Tourism Minister (of Australia) Fran Bailey said "How anyone can take offence at a beautiful girl in a bikini on a sunny beach inviting them to visit 'down under' is a mystery to me"
The timing was good... only 2 weeks until I leave.