2008-04-12 01:09:49
This last week has been pretty hectic, but I think it's just the beginning. I now have a desk and computer at uni, which is cool. I was a little worried when I saw everyone else running Windows on their systems, but relaxed when the tech support guy came in and asked if I wanted Windows or Linux. So after a fair hiatus I'm going to be regularly using Linux again.
Part of the deal with getting your own workspace is spending a regular amount of time at uni. This means that on Mondays and Fridays when I have classes I'll be at uni all day, which is great for getting work done and also great for my Spanish too. I spend my other three days a week working at home and I should be working now (Saturday morning) as well.
I had my first presentation for class on Friday, which was about as bad as I was expecting. A combination of trying to present a topic I didn't know anything about two weeks ago and public speaking in Spanish meant that a lot of stuff came out wrong, but it was really just a practice presentation and at the end of the day I was happy with it.
And in case you didn't believe me, I found some videos of Richard Stallman's talk on YouTube, here's the introduction (in Spanish) and here's the Free Software Song (in English).
I also spent the time where I should have been reading adding thumbnails to the main section of the photos page, so go have a look.
Part of the deal with getting your own workspace is spending a regular amount of time at uni. This means that on Mondays and Fridays when I have classes I'll be at uni all day, which is great for getting work done and also great for my Spanish too. I spend my other three days a week working at home and I should be working now (Saturday morning) as well.
I had my first presentation for class on Friday, which was about as bad as I was expecting. A combination of trying to present a topic I didn't know anything about two weeks ago and public speaking in Spanish meant that a lot of stuff came out wrong, but it was really just a practice presentation and at the end of the day I was happy with it.
And in case you didn't believe me, I found some videos of Richard Stallman's talk on YouTube, here's the introduction (in Spanish) and here's the Free Software Song (in English).
I also spent the time where I should have been reading adding thumbnails to the main section of the photos page, so go have a look.